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An object defining all of the required configuration for registering a modular item





AllowEffect?: EffectName[]

A list with extra to-be allowed effect names. Should only defined when there are effects that are exclusively managed by script hooks and thus cannot be extracted from the normal extended item options.


Archetype: modular

The archetype of the extended item config


BaselineProperty?: Item

To-be initialized properties independent of the selected item module(s). Relevant if there are properties that are (near) exclusively managed by ExtendedItemConfig.ScriptHooks functions.


ChangeWhenLocked?: boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not the item's type can be changed while the item is locked (if set to false, the player must be able to unlock the item to change its type). Defaults to true. Note that ModularItemOption.ChangeWhenLocked takes priority over this value if specified.


The item's chatroom message setting. Determines the level of granularity for chatroom messages when the item's module values change.


ChatTags?: CommonChatTags[]

An array of the chat message tags that should be included in the item's chatroom messages.


CopyConfig?: { AssetName: string; GroupName?: AssetGroupName }

The group name and asset name of a configuration to copy - useful if multiple items share the same config

Type declaration


DialogPrefix?: { Chat?: string | ExtendedItemChatCallback<ModularItemOption>; Header?: string | ExtendedItemHeaderCallback<ModularItemData>; Module?: string; Option?: string }

The optional text configuration for the item. Custom text keys can be configured within this object

Type declaration

  • optionalChat?: string | ExtendedItemChatCallback<ModularItemOption>

    The dialogue prefix that will be used for each of the item's chatroom messages

  • optionalHeader?: string | ExtendedItemHeaderCallback<ModularItemData>

    The dialogue prefix for the player prompt that is displayed on each module's menu screen

  • optionalModule?: string

    The dialogue prefix for the name of each module

  • optionalOption?: string

    The dialogue prefix for the name of each option


Contains custom dictionary entries in the event that the base ones do not suffice.


DrawData?: ExtendedItemConfigDrawData<Partial<Modular>>

An interface with element-specific drawing data for a given screen.


DrawImages?: boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not images should be drawn for the option and/or module selection screen.


The module definitions for the item


Name?: string

The unique name for this (sub)-screen used for the automatic construction of ItemProperties.TypeRecord keys. Names should be short.

If not explicitly specified defaults to the name of ExtendedItemData.parentOption for sub screens and the name of the archetype in case of the (outer-most) super screen.


A recond containing functions that are run on load, click, draw, exit, and validate, with the original archetype function and parameters passed on to them. If undefined, these are ignored. Note that scripthook functions must be loaded before Female3DCGExtended.js in index.html.