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  • InventoryWearRandom(C: Character, GroupName: AssetGroupName, Difficulty?: number, Refresh?: boolean, MustOwn?: boolean, Extend?: boolean, AllowedAssets?: readonly string[], IgnoreRequirements?: boolean): Item

  • Makes the character wear a random item from a body area


    • C: Character

      The character that must wear the item

    • GroupName: AssetGroupName

      The name of the asset group (body area)

    • optionalDifficulty: number

      The difficulty, on top of the base asset difficulty, to assign to the item

    • optionalRefresh: boolean = true

      Do not call CharacterRefresh if false

    • optionalMustOwn: boolean = false

      If TRUE, only assets that the character owns can be worn. Otherwise any asset can be used

    • optionalExtend: boolean = true

      Whether or not to randomly extend the item (i.e. set the item type), provided it has an archetype that supports random extension

    • optionalAllowedAssets: readonly string[] = null

      A list of assets from which one must be selected

    • optionalIgnoreRequirements: boolean = false

      If True, the group being blocked and prerequisites will not prevent the item being added. NOTE: Long-term this should be replaced with better checks before calling this function.

    Returns Item

    • The equipped item (if any)