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  • Returns the value of a given property of an appearance item, prioritizes the Property object.

    Type parameters

    • Name: Block | BlockRemotes | OpenPermission | OpenPermissionArm | OpenPermissionLeg | OpenPermissionChastity | Hide | AllowTypes | Group | AllowPose | LoverOnly | FamilyOnly | OwnerOnly | Extended | BuyGroup | Type | TypeRecord | Expression | Mode | Intensity | State | Modules | Difficulty | Attribute | OverrideHeight | HeightModifier | OverridePriority | DefaultColor | AllowActivity | AllowActivityOn | HideItem | HideItemExclude | Effect | Tint | SetPose | AllowActivePose | WhitelistActivePose | FreezeActivePose | SelfUnlock | RemoveTimer | Opacity | CustomBlindBackground | Fetish | ItemMemberNumber | LockedBy | LockMemberNumber | Password | LockPickSeed | CombinationNumber | MemberNumberListKeys | Hint | LockSet | RemoveItem | RemoveOnUnlock | ShowTimer | EnableRandomInput | MemberNumberList | InflateLevel | SuctionLevel | Text | Text2 | Text3 | LockButt | HeartRate | AutoPunish | AutoPunishUndoTime | AutoPunishUndoTimeSetting | OriginalSetting | BlinkState | Option | PunishStruggle | PunishStruggleOther | PunishOrgasm | PunishStandup | PunishActivity | PunishSpeech | PunishRequiredSpeech | PunishRequiredSpeechWord | PunishProhibitedSpeech | PunishProhibitedSpeechWords | NextShockTime | PublicModeCurrent | PublicModePermission | TriggerValues | AccessMode | ShockLevel | InsertedBeads | ShowText | TriggerCount | OrgasmCount | RuinedOrgasmCount | TimeWorn | TimeSinceLastOrgasm | Iterations | Revert | Door | Padding | UnHide | Texts | TargetAngle | PortalLinkCode | Name | Prerequisite | AllowLock | Random | Activity | Audio | Gender | Visible | Zone | Description | Expose | CraftGroup | Underwear | SelfBondage | IsLock | AllowExpression | ParentItem | ParentGroupName | ParentGroup | Enable | NotVisibleOnScreen | Wear | ActivityAudio | ActivityExpression | InventoryID | Bonus | HideItemAttribute | Require | HideForPose | PoseMapping | Value | NeverSell | ExclusiveUnlock | RemoveAtLogin | WearTime | RemoveTime | MaxTimer | DrawingPriority | DrawingLeft | DrawingTop | ZoomModifier | Alpha | AlwaysExtend | AlwaysInteract | LayerVisibility | PickDifficulty | ExpressionTrigger | RemoveItemOnRemove | AllowEffect | AllowBlock | AllowHide | AllowHideItem | AllowTighten | MinOpacity | MaxOpacity | EditOpacity | Category | ArousalZone | IsRestraint | BodyCosplay | OverrideBlinking | DialogSortOverride | DynamicDescription | DynamicPreviewImage | DynamicAllowInventoryAdd | DynamicName | DynamicGroupName | DynamicActivity | DynamicAudio | CharacterRestricted | AllowRemoveExclusive | InheritColor | DynamicBeforeDraw | DynamicAfterDraw | DynamicScriptDraw | HasType | CreateLayerTypes | AllowLockType | AllowColorizeAll | AvailableLocations | DrawLocks | MirrorExpression | FixedPosition | Layer | ColorableLayerCount | Archetype | PreviewIcons | AllowTint | DefaultTint | ColorSuffix | FullAlpha | ExpressionPrerequisite | AllowColorize | Family | Asset | IsDefault | AllowNone | AllowCustomize | ColorSchema | ParentSize | ParentColor | Clothing | MirrorGroup | DrawingBlink | PreviewZone | MirrorActivitiesFrom | ArousalZoneID | HasPreviewImages | IsAppearance | IsItem | IsScript


    • Item: Item

      The appearance item to scan

    • PropertyName: Name

      The property name to get.

    • optionalCheckGroup: boolean = false

      Whether or not to fall back to the item's group if the property is not found on Property or Asset.

    Returns ItemProperties & Asset & AssetGroup[Name]

    • The value of the requested property for the given item. Returns either undefined, an empty array or object if the property or the item itself does not exist.