Type parameters
- Name: Block | BlockRemotes | OpenPermission | OpenPermissionArm | OpenPermissionLeg | OpenPermissionChastity | Hide | AllowTypes | Group | AllowPose | LoverOnly | FamilyOnly | OwnerOnly | Extended | BuyGroup | Type | TypeRecord | Expression | Mode | Intensity | State | Modules | Difficulty | Attribute | OverrideHeight | HeightModifier | OverridePriority | DefaultColor | AllowActivity | AllowActivityOn | HideItem | HideItemExclude | Effect | Tint | SetPose | AllowActivePose | WhitelistActivePose | FreezeActivePose | SelfUnlock | RemoveTimer | Opacity | CustomBlindBackground | Fetish | ItemMemberNumber | LockedBy | LockMemberNumber | Password | LockPickSeed | CombinationNumber | MemberNumberListKeys | Hint | LockSet | RemoveItem | RemoveOnUnlock | ShowTimer | EnableRandomInput | MemberNumberList | InflateLevel | SuctionLevel | Text | Text2 | Text3 | LockButt | HeartRate | AutoPunish | AutoPunishUndoTime | AutoPunishUndoTimeSetting | OriginalSetting | BlinkState | Option | PunishStruggle | PunishStruggleOther | PunishOrgasm | PunishStandup | PunishActivity | PunishSpeech | PunishRequiredSpeech | PunishRequiredSpeechWord | PunishProhibitedSpeech | PunishProhibitedSpeechWords | NextShockTime | PublicModeCurrent | PublicModePermission | TriggerValues | AccessMode | ShockLevel | InsertedBeads | ShowText | TriggerCount | OrgasmCount | RuinedOrgasmCount | TimeWorn | TimeSinceLastOrgasm | Iterations | Revert | Door | Padding | UnHide | Texts | TargetAngle | PortalLinkCode | Name | Prerequisite | AllowLock | Random | Activity | Audio | Gender | Visible | Zone | Description | Expose | CraftGroup | Underwear | SelfBondage | IsLock | AllowExpression | ParentItem | ParentGroupName | ParentGroup | Enable | NotVisibleOnScreen | Wear | ActivityAudio | ActivityExpression | InventoryID | Bonus | HideItemAttribute | Require | HideForPose | PoseMapping | Value | NeverSell | ExclusiveUnlock | RemoveAtLogin | WearTime | RemoveTime | MaxTimer | DrawingPriority | DrawingLeft | DrawingTop | ZoomModifier | Alpha | AlwaysExtend | AlwaysInteract | LayerVisibility | PickDifficulty | ExpressionTrigger | RemoveItemOnRemove | AllowEffect | AllowBlock | AllowHide | AllowHideItem | AllowTighten | MinOpacity | MaxOpacity | EditOpacity | Category | ArousalZone | IsRestraint | BodyCosplay | OverrideBlinking | DialogSortOverride | DynamicDescription | DynamicPreviewImage | DynamicAllowInventoryAdd | DynamicName | DynamicGroupName | DynamicActivity | DynamicAudio | CharacterRestricted | AllowRemoveExclusive | InheritColor | DynamicBeforeDraw | DynamicAfterDraw | DynamicScriptDraw | HasType | CreateLayerTypes | AllowLockType | AllowColorizeAll | AvailableLocations | DrawLocks | MirrorExpression | FixedPosition | Layer | ColorableLayerCount | Archetype | PreviewIcons | AllowTint | DefaultTint | ColorSuffix | FullAlpha | ExpressionPrerequisite | AllowColorize | Family | Asset | IsDefault | AllowNone | AllowCustomize | ColorSchema | ParentSize | ParentColor | Clothing | MirrorGroup | DrawingBlink | PreviewZone | MirrorActivitiesFrom | ArousalZoneID | HasPreviewImages | IsAppearance | IsItem | IsScript
Item: Item
The appearance item to scan
PropertyName: Name
The property name to get.
optionalCheckGroup: boolean = false
Whether or not to fall back to the item's group if the property is not found on Property or Asset.
Returns ItemProperties & Asset & AssetGroup[Name]
- The value of the requested property for the given item. Returns either undefined, an empty array or object if the property or the item itself does not exist.
Returns the value of a given property of an appearance item, prioritizes the Property object.