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  • ElementCreateSearchInput(id: string, dataCallback: () => Iterable<string>, options?: { maxLength: number; parent: Node; value: string }): HTMLInputElement

  • Construct a search-based <input> element that offers suggestions based on the passed callbacks output.

    The search suggestions are constructed lazily once the search input is focused.

    <input type="search" id={id} list={`${id}-datalist`}>
    <datalist id={`${id}-datalist`}>
    <option value="..." />


    • id: string

      The ID of the to-be created search input; ${id}-datalist will be assigned the search input's datalist

    • dataCallback: () => Iterable<string>

      A callback returning all values that will be converted into a datalist <option>

      • optionaloptions: { maxLength: number; parent: Node; value: string } = null
        • maxLength: number

          Maximum input length of the search input

        • parent: Node

          The parent element of the search input; defaults to document.body

        • value: string

          Value of the search input

      Returns HTMLInputElement

      • The newly created search input