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  • DialogFindAutoReplace(C: Character, KeyWord1: string, KeyWord2?: string, ReturnPrevious?: boolean): string

  • Searches in the dialog for a specific stage keyword and returns that dialog option if we find it and replace the names


    • C: Character

      The character whose dialog options should be searched

    • KeyWord1: string

      The key word to search for

    • optionalKeyWord2: string

      An optionally given second key word. is only looked for, if specified and the first keyword was not found.

    • optionalReturnPrevious: boolean

      If specified, returns the previous dialog, if neither of the the two key words were found

    Returns string

    • The name of a dialog. That can either be the one with the keyword or the previous dialog. An empty string is returned, if neither keyword was found and no previous dialog was given. 'SourceCharacter' is replaced with the player's name and 'DestinationCharacter' with the current character's name.