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  • ChatRoomGetRule(RuleType: LogNameAdvanced | BlockLoverLockSelf | BlockLoverLockOwner | BlockChange | BlockTalk | BlockEmote | BlockWhisper | BlockChangePose | BlockAccessSelf | BlockAccessOther | BlockKey | BlockFamilyKey | BlockOwnerLockSelf | BlockRemote | BlockRemoteSelf | BlockNickname | ReleasedCollar | BlockTalkForbiddenWords, Sender: Owner | Lover): boolean

  • Gets a rule from the current character


    • RuleType: LogNameAdvanced | BlockLoverLockSelf | BlockLoverLockOwner | BlockChange | BlockTalk | BlockEmote | BlockWhisper | BlockChangePose | BlockAccessSelf | BlockAccessOther | BlockKey | BlockFamilyKey | BlockOwnerLockSelf | BlockRemote | BlockRemoteSelf | BlockNickname | ReleasedCollar | BlockTalkForbiddenWords

      The name of the rule to retrieve.

    • Sender: Owner | Lover

      Type of the sender

    Returns boolean

    • The owner or lover rule corresponding to the requested rule name